In Your Community Black Community

“Some kind of way we make it and we
take care of each other.”

Read William's & Sandra's Stories

Need a little inspiration?

Check out This Is Your Show, an energetic, uplifting song that creates new avenues for sharing positive, joyful messages about personal empowerment, autonomy, gratitude and planning for an end-of-life. Written and composed for Compassion & Choices.

Sustaining Dignity in Our Community

Photo of a couple hugging each other.

We are often faced with hard choices in our lives, but it's not often that we have to make a hard decision about someone else's life on their behalf. No matter where we are in life, we should always be prepared for the unimaginable. This is why it's important to be knowledgeable about the opportunities available to help with your preparation. It's very hard in our community to hold open discussions on death, preparing for the end of life, and managing serious illness care. But you must remember that no one knows what makes your life worth living and what you consider the quality of life, but you. It's important that you represent your best self no matter where you are in life, even at death. Don't wait until it's too late, start the conversation early so you can be prepared for anything life has in store for you. Here are some ways to start the conversation with your family and friends:

Photo of a senior couple hugging each other.
  1. Hold a family meeting and encourage everyone to participate in a life planning activity. Consider using this workbook to guide your activity together. Be sure to include a good home-cooked meal!
  2. Have a movie night with your loved ones and watch a movie together on the topic of advance care planning. Check out our list of movies to help get the conversation started.
  3. A game night can always keep the environment light and fun. Here is a game we recommend to help discussions flow.

Once you have had the conversation with your loved ones, take the time to explore the resources below for assistance in moving forward with your planning.

Community Resources

When you or someone in your family is unwell, you may need more than just medical treatment. We want to make sure you have access to the help you need.

Often people living with serious illness (and their communities) share that they need help getting connected to social services and support programs. If you need resources related to:

  • Food and meals
  • Transportation
  • Health insurance/issues with Medi-Cal
  • Home based caregiving
  • And/or emotional support/counseling

Please go to the SF Department of Disability and Aging Services DAS Hub. Community support is available in all San Francisco neighborhoods. For convenience, you can also download this DAS Resource Guide; however, DAS Hub has the most up-to-date information.

Recursos de la comunidad

Cuando usted o alguien de su familia no se encuentra bien, es posible que necesite algo más que un tratamiento médico. Queremos asegurarnos de que tenga acceso a la ayuda que necesita.

A menudo, las personas que viven con una enfermedad grave (y sus comunidades) comparten que necesitan ayuda para contactar con servicios sociales y programas de apoyo. Si necesita recursos relacionados con:

  • Alimentos y comidas
  • Transporte
  • Seguro de salud/problemas con Medi-Cal
  • Cuidado en el hogar
  • Y/o apoyo emocional/consejería

Visite el del Departamento de Servicios para Personas con Discapacidades y Envejecimiento de SF. El apoyo comunitario está disponible en todos los vecindarios de San Francisco.



  • 包括食物和膳食
  • 交通
  • 醫療保險/白卡(Medi-Cal)問題
  • 問題
  • 家庭護理和/或情感支持/諮詢等等

請在此處瀏覽舊金山殘疾和老齡化服務部網站 SF Department of Disability and Aging Services。舊金山所有社區都提供社區支援。

Here are two additional resources serving our community not found at DAS Hub:

Alameda County Care Alliance

The Alameda County Care Alliance is a faith-based, person-centered, lay care navigation intervention serving individuals with advanced illness and their caregivers throughout the Bay Area.

Rafiki Wellness Coalition

They provide a safe, supportive environment where people can find a path to wellness by understanding their health issues, becoming more physically active, and eating a healthy diet. Services include:

  • Rafiki Academy
  • Navigation Services
  • Individual Therapy for ages 24+ and Family Therapy
  • Group Meditation
  • Health Education
  • Exercise Classes
  • Nutrition Workshops
  • Health Screenings
  • Complementary & Alternative Medicine Services (Acupuncture & Massage)
  • Transitional Housing
  • Case Management and Referral Services