In Your Community Chinese Community

“The older generation of us generally thinks that talking about life and death, arranging 'great auspicious matters' such as planning for the funeral will be embarrassing and uneasy…”

Read Mrs. Yu's Full Story



What is advance care planning?

Please watch the video clip "Live well, leave well through advance care planning" in Cantonese with English subtitle produced by the Jockey Club End-Of-Life Community Care Project in Hong Kong. It will help you get a better understanding of advance care planning as well as its importance.



Photo of a younger woman assisting an older woman with completing documents.

Plan ahead and "pass" your family with peace of mind.

During the Chinese New Year, many Chinese stick the couplets of "Five Blessings at the Door" at home to express their wishes for the new year, but many people do not know that the last blessing of the "Five Blessings at the Door" is a good death. What is a "good death", everyone has a different understanding. Some people hope that their family members will be by their side when they die, and some people hope that they will leave quietly and alone. As Zhou Cong said in the short film, "No matter what your wish is, the most important thing is to make it clear to your family at the right time. When you are a hundred years old, they will follow your wish and do it. This is the real death without regrets."

Advance medical planning (ACP) is a process. At any stage of life, an advance medical plan can help you discuss what is most important to you with your family, friends and medical staff. Advance medical planning helps others understand your values and medical preferences, as well as what important cultural and spiritual beliefs will affect your care if faced with a serious illness.

Start today, share your thoughts and wishes with your loved ones, give your family a gift of love, and pass on a peace of mind to them.

Why it's important to engage in advance care planning.

Importance of starting an advance medical directive early. Early access to advance medical directives allows us to:

  1. Avoid family conflicts due to different opinions on our medical treatment and reduce conflicts
  2. Avoid in the event of an emergency, relatives and friends will make unfavorable decisions because they do not know what we are thinking
  3. Let your medical wishes and preferences be respected by your family and medical team
  4. Designate someone you trust or know as your medical representative
  5. During the discussion, family members have more opportunities to communicate, so that they can better understand their thoughts
Photo of a younger woman assisting an older woman with completing documents.

The benefits of palliative care and how to access it.

Caring for or being a chronically or critically ill patient is not an easy task, but you are not alone, and palliative care may be the best way to save you. Palliative care can help improve the quality of end-of-life care services in the community, and provide comprehensive support for the elderly with terminally ill patients, so that they can make well-informed and appropriate care choices and improve their quality of life. Ask your healthcare team for more information on palliative care!

Photo of a younger woman assisting an older woman with completing documents.





Photo of a younger woman assisting an older woman with completing documents.



  1. 避免家人因為對我們醫療有這不同意見而發生衝突,減少矛盾
  2. 避免在發生緊急情況時,親友會因為不知道我們的想法而做出不合我們心意的決定
  3. 讓自己的醫療意願和偏好得到家人及醫療團隊的尊重
  4. 指定自己信任或了解自己的人作為自己的醫療代理人
  5. 在討論過程中,自己的家人有更多溝通機會,讓他們更了解自己的想法


Community Resources

When you or someone in your family is unwell, you may need more than just medical treatment. We want to make sure you have access to the help you need.

Often people living with serious illness (and their communities) share that they need help getting connected to social services and support programs. If you need resources related to:

  • Food and meals
  • Transportation
  • Health insurance/issues with Medi-Cal
  • Home based caregiving
  • And/or emotional support/counseling

Please go to the SF Department of Disability and Aging Services DAS Hub. Community support is available in all San Francisco neighborhoods. For convenience, you can also download this DAS Resource Guide; however, DAS Hub has the most up-to-date information.

Recursos de la comunidad

Cuando usted o alguien de su familia no se encuentra bien, es posible que necesite algo más que un tratamiento médico. Queremos asegurarnos de que tenga acceso a la ayuda que necesita.

A menudo, las personas que viven con una enfermedad grave (y sus comunidades) comparten que necesitan ayuda para contactar con servicios sociales y programas de apoyo. Si necesita recursos relacionados con:

  • Alimentos y comidas
  • Transporte
  • Seguro de salud/problemas con Medi-Cal
  • Cuidado en el hogar
  • Y/o apoyo emocional/consejería

Visite el del Departamento de Servicios para Personas con Discapacidades y Envejecimiento de SF. El apoyo comunitario está disponible en todos los vecindarios de San Francisco.



  • 包括食物和膳食
  • 交通
  • 醫療保險/白卡(Medi-Cal)問題
  • 問題
  • 家庭護理和/或情感支持/諮詢等等

請在此處瀏覽舊金山殘疾和老齡化服務部網站 SF Department of Disability and Aging Services。舊金山所有社區都提供社區支援。