Photo of senior woman exercising with handheld weights.

Our Vision

We envision a future where all San Franciscans facing serious illness can lead their highest quality of life for as long as possible by accessing high-quality care that aligns with their wishes and values.

Photo of adult dauhter walking with her senior mother for an evening stroll.

Our Mission

To realize this vision, we empower individuals aged 65 and above, as well as those with serious illnesses, by providing them with the knowledge and tools needed to take control of their health and health care decisions. We help people:

  • Understand the importance of advance care panning (ACP) and begin contemplating their values and preferences.
  • Prepare for effective communications with clinicians regarding their health care goals.
  • Gain knowledge about the value of palliative care and how to access palliative care services.
  • Find resources to support their informal or family caregivers (anyone that a provides unpaid support to a person in need of care).

While our ultimate goal is to extend our reach to all San Franciscans, our initial focus is on addressing the needs of communities of color and LGBTQ+ communities, as these groups experience some of the most pronounced health inequities. While the initial focus is within the San Francisco community, the PCWG aims to inspire and support the expansion of this work to other counties across California and beyond.