What We Do Advance Care
Planning Engagement & Education

What We Do Advance Care
Planning Engagement & Education

我們的工作 預先護理 規劃參與與教育

Photo of a senior woman sitting with her adult daughter on the steps of a house while chatting and each holding a beverage.

We equip people with the knowledge and tools to engage in advance care planning through conducting culturally tailored advance care planning activities across the city.

We equip people with the knowledge and tools to engage in advance care planning through conducting culturally tailored advance care planning activities across the city.


What is Advance Care Planning?

Advance care planning (ACP) is a process that supports adults at any age or stage of health in understanding and sharing their personal values, life goals, and preferences regarding future medical care. The goal of ACP is to help ensure that people receive medical care that is consistent with their values, goals and preferences, especially when they are seriously ill or at the end of life.

ACP improves outcomes. It improves patients' quality of life and wellbeing and reduces surrogate decision-makers' stress and grief. It can also foster unity and strength within families and provides agency and helps to uphold the wishes of those who lack trust in the health care system.

How Does Advance Care Planning Help with End-of-Life Decision Making?

Please watch the video "I Choose to Prepare: Alexis Owens' Story" produced by the AC Care Alliance. In this video, Alexis Owen, AC Care Alliance Care Navigator, discusses how advance care planning helps ensure that people in need of care receive the care they desire at the end-of-life, easing potential suffering for family members.

Learn more about our community-driven exploration to inspire communities of color to engage in advance care planning!

Over a one-year period, approximately 550 individuals from across San Francisco were engaged in a collaborative, introspective, and systematic exploration in which community members and researchers worked together to identify strategies for overcoming Advance Care Planning (ACP) barriers and jointly developed educational initiatives to inspire people of color to actively participate in ACP. These community-led workgroups designed well-received events that increased ACP engagement over a relatively short period. Their objectives encompassed both implementing pilot events as part of the Learning Journey and inspiring their communities to build on the insights and pilot programs to sustain these efforts in the future.

Click here for a summary of our key learnings and access to the Learning Journey Report and Peer-Reviewed Publications.

What is Advance Care Planning?

Advance care planning (ACP) is a process that supports adults at any age or stage of health in understanding and sharing their personal values, life goals, and preferences regarding future medical care. The goal of ACP is to help ensure that people receive medical care that is consistent with their values, goals and preferences, especially when they are seriously ill or at the end of life.

ACP improves outcomes. It improves patients' quality of life and wellbeing and reduces surrogate decision-makers' stress and grief. It can also foster unity and strength within families and provides agency and helps to uphold the wishes of those who lack trust in the health care system.

How Does Advance Care Planning Help with End-of-Life Decision Making?

Please watch the video "I Choose to Prepare: Alexis Owens' Story" produced by the AC Care Alliance. In this video, Alexis Owen, AC Care Alliance Care Navigator, discusses how advance care planning helps ensure that people in need of care receive the care they desire at the end-of-life, easing potential suffering for family members.

Learn more about our community-driven exploration to inspire communities of color to engage in advance care planning!

Over a one-year period, approximately 550 individuals from across San Francisco were engaged in a collaborative, introspective, and systematic exploration in which community members and researchers worked together to identify strategies for overcoming Advance Care Planning (ACP) barriers and jointly developed educational initiatives to inspire people of color to actively participate in ACP. These community-led workgroups designed well-received events that increased ACP engagement over a relatively short period. Their objectives encompassed both implementing pilot events as part of the Learning Journey and inspiring their communities to build on the insights and pilot programs to sustain these efforts in the future.

Click here for a summary of our key learnings and access to the Learning Journey Report and Peer-Reviewed Publications.


預立醫療照護計畫 (ACP) 是一個支持任何年齡或健康階段的成年人了解和分享他們的個人價值觀、生活目標和對未來醫療照護偏好的過程。 ACP 的目標是幫助確保人們獲得符合其價值觀、目標和偏好的醫療護理,特別是在他們身患重病或臨終時。

ACP 改善結果。 它提高了患者的生活品質和福祉,並減少了代理決策者的壓力和悲傷。 它還可以促進家庭內部的團結和力量,並提供代理並幫助維護那些對醫療保健系統缺乏信任的人的願望。


請觀看 AC Care Alliance 製作的影片《我選擇準備:Alexis Owens 的故事》。 在這段影片中,AC Care Alliance 護理導航員 Alexis Owen 討論了預立醫療照護計畫如何幫助確保需要照護的人在臨終時得到他們想要的照護,從而減輕家庭成員的潛在痛苦。


在一年的時間內,來自舊金山各地的約550 名個人參與了一項協作、內省和系統的探索,其中社區成員和研究人員共同確定克服預先護理計劃(ACP) 障礙的策略,並共同製定教育計劃激勵有色人種積極參與 ACP。 這些社區主導的工作小組設計了廣受好評的活動,在相對較短的時間內提高了 ACP 的參與度。 他們的目標包括實施試點活動作為學習之旅的一部分,並激勵他們的社區以見解和試點計劃為基礎,在未來維持這些努力。


ACP For Individuals

“I want to think about my own plan, or one
for someone I care about.”

Advance care planning (ACP) is a process that helps you discuss what is most important to you with your family, friends, and healthcare provider so that others understand your values and medical preferences including important cultural and/or spiritual beliefs that could impact your care if you were to become ill and couldn't speak for yourself.

Specifically, ACP…

  • Makes your choices the top priority when you are being treated for serious illness.
  • Helps your support system - family, caregivers, and those close to you - keep your choices at the top of their minds as they help you deal with your illness, particularly if you cannot speak for yourself.
  • Reduces conflict and anxiety at a time when you need your support system to be on the same page about your care.

3 Stages to Advance Care Planning…


Get the Facts

About how advance care planning can help you and your family/friends.


Have the Conversation

With trusted family/friends and your doctor.


Make a Plan

Complete your advance care directive and get it to your doctor and medical surrogate.

Resources & Community Events…

View the resources we have and stay informed of community events on our calendar.

Get Resources View Community Calendar

ACP For Individuals

“I want to think about my own plan, or one
for someone I care about.”

advance care planning (ACP) is a process that helps you discuss what is most important to you with your family, friends, and healthcare provider so that others understand your values and medical preferences including important cultural and/or spiritual beliefs that could impact your care if you were to become ill and couldn't speak for yourself.

Specifically, ACP…

  • Makes your choices the top priority when you are being treated for serious illness.
  • Helps your support system - family, caregivers, and those close to you - keep your choices at the top of their minds as they help you deal with your illness, particularly if you cannot speak for yourself.
  • Reduces conflict and anxiety at a time when you need your support system to be on the same page about your care.

3 Stages to Advance Care Planning…


Get the Facts

About how advance care planning can help you and your family/friends.


Have the Conversation

With trusted family/friends and your doctor.


Make a Plan

Complete your advance care directive and get it to your doctor and medical surrogate.

Resources & Community Events…

View the resources we have and stay informed of community events on our calendar.

Get Resources View Community Calendar



醫療照護事前指示(ACP) 指示是一個過程,幫助您和家人、朋友和醫護人員討論對您來説最重要的事情,可以在生命中的任何時刻進行。醫療照護事前指示可以幫助其他人明白您的價值觀和醫療首選,以及當您患病或者無法為自己發聲時會影響護理的重要文化和精神信仰。


  • 當您接受嚴重疾病治療的時候做出首要的選擇。
  • 幫助您的支援系統 —— 家庭、護理人員和其他親密人士——當他們幫助您對抗疾病時,可以謹記您的選擇,特別是當您無法為自己發聲的時候。
  • 可以減少届時的衝突和焦慮,當您需要您的支援系統對您的護理有統一看法。

3 前往醫療照護事前指示的階段











View the resources we have and stay informed of community events on our calendar.

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ACP For Community Organizations

“I want to bring opportunities for ACP to the people my organization serves.”

You have strong relationships with your community. They trust you, and know you have their best interests at heart. We can help you build programming and bring resources to your community to support them as they plan for their future healthcare.

Advance care planning (ACP) conversations about healthcare, aging, and dying can help people overcome fear and misunderstandings around these planning discussions and support them to talk openly about what is most important to them in the event of a serious or life-threatening diagnosis.

We envision these conversations becoming a natural and embraced part of life planning across all communities –beginning early in one's health journey.

We offer resources and support so that you can bring your deep knowledge about and connection with your community together with cultural expertise about ACP to reduce anxiety and provide peace of mind.

Resources & Community Events

View the resources we have and stay informed of community events on our calendar.

Get Resources View Community Calendar

ACP For Community Organizations

“I want to bring opportunities for ACP to the people my organization serves.”

You have strong relationships with your community. They trust you, and know you have their best interests at heart. We can help you build programming and bring resources to your community to support them as they plan for their future healthcare.

Advance care planning (ACP) conversations about healthcare, aging, and dying can help people overcome fear and misunderstandings around these planning discussions and support them to talk openly about what is most important to them in the event of a serious or life-threatening diagnosis.

We envision these conversations becoming a natural and embraced part of life planning across all communities –beginning early in one's health journey.

We offer resources and support so that you can bring your deep knowledge about and connection with your community together with cultural expertise about ACP to reduce anxiety and provide peace of mind.

Resources & Community Events

View the resources we have and stay informed of community events on our calendar.

Get Resources View Community Calendar




醫療照護事前指示 醫療照護事前指示的對話是關於醫療護理、衰老和臨終可以幫助人們剋服恐懼和誤解,圍繞這些指示的討論和幫助他們敞開心扉交談關於對他們而言最重要的事情,當不幸被診斷出患上致命疾病的時候。





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